Sunday, February 11, 2007

2007 Can Be Your Year For Big Earnings

My name is Faye Brown , and I am writing you this from my desk here at my home. The reason for this contact is that you and I share something in common...

At some point in our lives we contemplated or tried to start a home base business. It’s my understanding that your are currently looking for something or might be looking for something that actually works.

Don't worry; I'm not trying to sell you anything. I just want to ask you a simple question?

"If I were to help you start a part-time business and in two years you retired... would you send me a Thank You card?"

If your answer is "Yes" simply click or copy the link below and I will process your request right away.

Go to My On Minute Presentation

If in 2 years time you would like to be making $5000.00 Plus per month from your home and you are NOT Interested in Selling! Explaining! or Risk! This is for you!

If you can return a few phone calls each day and provide some basic customer service,

Remember: No Selling! No Explaining! No Risk!

For more information on a life changing opportunity Visit:

My On Minute Presentation

Thank you so much for your time.

Faye Brown

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