Friday, September 29, 2006
Cartoons Help To Understand Marketing Mindset
In my opinion for cartoon #1, shows a person coming in second thinking he's a failure. Is he?
If that's what is in his mind then he truly is a failure. Please post your Opinion in comments below.
My thoughts on this one are we are what we are by what we are surrounded by in our lives. What we listen to, what we see, and who we associate with.
Please leave your own thoughts on these cartoons under Comments.
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Marketing Success Is Within You
Your mind controls your life! The more positive you are the greater success you will have in your life, career or online marketing business. Try to focus on being around and taking to positive people everyday. You will be amazed at the outcome of a positive mind and what position it will put you in.
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have every thing they touch turn to gold, but when others touch it, things just fall apart.
Lets take a quick look at learning how to succeed at the the things you want the most.
It’s all in the way you look at life! What do I mean? Well it just like the saying “is the glass half full or half empty”
You can take any situation in life and look at it in two ways. Half full (being positive) or half empty (being negative). It’s all in the way our mind processes and perceives the information being fed to it. This is done by hearing, visualizing, and thinking.
Let’s take the exact same opportunity, circumstance and positioning and give it to two people. They are equal in every way except for their mindset, the out come will always be different.
Who is going to win, the one that thinks he(she) can or the one that is defeated before even trying.
Which is the one you would want, half full of course. This means that more can still go in. You learn from every situation, use the knowledge you gain as a stepping stone and keep trying to get that cup full. These people will have success in life,
If you run in the half empty mode, this makes you feel like you’re loosing or have already lost, so why keep trying. These people will have very little success in their life, or in network marketing. They will always be wondering why things do not work out for them.
Remember the children’s story, The Little Engine that Could. How did he make it? It was always by believing I think I can, I think I can, and putting forth the effort to get there. If you do not remember the story please read it again.
We try to teach our children this concept but tends to get lost to some of us in the process of life. Instead of thinking you can’t, think you can. Believe In Yourself!
I am truly passionate about helping people who want to have success in their Home Based Business. If you desire to learn all you can and take your business to the top please Visit My Site
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
NoSugarCoating, No BS Internet Marketing
First, I want to let you know that I use a free tool called Wblogger to do all my posts. It has a build in spell check plus it will save a copy of all my posts on my local drive. If I just did my posting the normal way then I would have a lot of spelling errors and people might think that I only have a 3rd grade education like Jethro from the Beverly Hillbillies.
A list is the single most important item in any business. You have to have a list of potential customers and you have to have a relationship with everybody on your list. Now there are a good number of ways to establish a list like you could give away a free report or a piece of software that you found. Another way, and a lot of marketers have told me hos successful this was for them, is to join a co-reg like Mark Hunter's "The 12 Days of Christmas". This is a promotion where Mark gets a bunch of marketers each to give away a product and then this is sent to people lists offering them 12 days of free gifts. In order to get the gifts the person needs to fill in a form with at least their fist name and their email address.
Now you can buy lists of optin names from some list brokers but from what I have heard usually only a very small percentage will become your subscribers. Some of these brokers are offering double and triple opt in and these will have a higher percentage of subscribers for your newsletter but Co-reg is by far probably the best way to build a list. A good authority on these co-reg service's is Ed Thorpe of .
It helps greatly if you have a website where your potential subscribers can read about you. There are a lot of marketers that are offering templates but the fastest way to get a site up would be to just visit and create a blog. You can have Adsense on your site but unless you are getting ungodly amounts of traffic I would not count on Adsense to provide a great income for you. The best way would be to sign up as an affiliate for various products through a site like commission Junction and get the text links, not the banners, if you want a site that will load fast and not keep people waiting. I created a site called hosting-choices which gives links to various Web hosting companies that I have checked out. If someone signs up for hosting by clicking on one of my links then I could earn about $100.
Building a list of subscribers and by having affiliate links on your site are really the only two ways that you will make money unless you are able to create your own products. If you know how to program you could create a nice little software utility that serves some purpose or if you are into gardening or refinishing furniture then you could create a how to ebook on the subject.
To get traffic to your site you have a few options and the best is by using a pay per click campaign but not a lot of newbies, I know I can't, can afford to do this. Writing articles and submitting them to article directories can be a great route to become know as an authority on a subject. I have written articles and within a few days of submitting them I have seen a sizable increase in the number of sites that link to me and the number of results that show up on me in sites like Google or Yahoo. I try to submit an article every two weeks or so.
One thing I must caution you about is these sites that provide free articles where all you have to do is add your information to them and submit them. I tried this when I first got started and it got be banned from certain article directories because other people had submitted the same article. The only way to effectively use these type s of articles is for you to read them and then in your own word write your thoughts on the article. You may want to read several articles on the same subject and write a summary of what you learned from these articles.
David Watson has this great product called websitecontentwizard but he sells this product for almost $200 and I know that most of us that haven't made any money yet in the internet arena will not be able to afford this. He would have been smart if he had offered some sort of installment option or I even thought about creating a bundle with his product, an article submitter and a website builder and offering the whole thing for under $40 per month.
With article directories, there are some sights that tell you that for a fee they will submit your articles for you but I signed up with one of those and later found out it was much easier to just submit them myself manually. I use a piece of software called Article submitter which I had paid 3 payments of $19.95 for. I found out later on that I could have got this software at no cost elsewhere.. There also some groups on Yahoo where you can submit your articles to and all you would have to do is put your article in the body of an email and send it to a certain address.
If you go to you can get the software to have your own article directory completely for free which is probably a better bet than having these Adsense sites that some marketers will give you. The reason these marketers will give you these Adsense sites is because your Adsense ID will be rotated along with others including that of the marketer that gave you the sites. He is figuring that if he gives these sites away to 1,000 people and his Adsense code will show up 30% of the time then if these people were each making $10 per month from these sites then he would be earning 43.00 per user times 1,000 users which equals about $3,000 per month for him.
I just finished reading somebody's post about using these free PLR article as website content. I will not mention the marketers name but the whole thing is garbage. You have to ask yourself when somebody send you these free PLR articles how many other people are receiving the same articles? how do the search engines treat duplicate content? If you receive some of these PLR articles and only add your name to them you have to ask yourself how many other people are doing the exact same thing. Even adding an intro and footer paragraph to them their bodies will still contain the same text. The Only way to take PLR articles and make them work is to read the articles and completely rewrite them in your own words.
Adsense ready sites, If you have a simple word processor like MS Word or something like then all you need is to log in to your Adsense account and follow the instructions and Google will generate the code you need to display a nice Adsense banner right on your site. Simply copy and paste this code right into either your word processor or your HTML editor and then use the free Filezilla to upload your site. No need to buy these ready made Adsense sites, no need to waste your money on these. If you still think you need a template then email me and I will send you one completely for free.
With buying traffic for your site do not do this unless you are guaranteed that it is targeted traffic. Why have traffic from people who are only interested in knitting or bowling or something of the sort when your target is horse back riding. Targeted traffic would mean that they would only send you people that are interested in horses. If you have a site that is recipes for baking why get traffic of people who only want recipes for brewing their own beer? Also unless you have great copy on your site that will take visitors and turn them into customers or at least subscribers then there is no reason for you to waste your money on traffic.
If you want to see how good the copy is of your site you may want to sign up at a Hit Exchange. Usually for every 5 sites you visit you will get one person visiting your website. You may even want to purchase a very small amount of targeted traffic or you can go to and sign up for his free Saturday brainstorming calls where he will critique three sites. A lot of times if you email him that you would like to have your site looked at on one of these calls he might just do that.
Internet marketing, once you get it up and running can be a great place to make good money but it is no get rich quick scheme. It takes work. There are some marketers that will try and sell you a push button method giving you a blueprint to follow but the best way is trial and error. If you are looking for a place for some great ideas about business along with step by step instructions then go to your local bookstore and see whether they carry magazine. Another great place are these forums on internet marketing like the Warrior Forum or on Willie crawfords site.
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Jeffrey Solochek is the Purple Cow of todays writers always adding his own unique wit and humor to everything.
Article Source:
Article witing, Posting and Publishing is an essential way to build up your appearence in the search engines. It takes a bit of time, but the result are awesome.
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006
A Quote That I Like
More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them.
I read this quote and I though it was so true. Mistakes are a part of life, we have to accept that we make them, utilize them and turn them into a positive.
Mistakes only enhance our learning progess in life.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Tips For Advertising Your Home Business With Pay-Per Click
The best advertising is advertising that works.
The price a small business owner pays for advertising would
not be an issue if the outcome of the ad was known. If a
business owner had a choice of paying $1000 a month for
advertising that brought in a guarantee of at least $2000 a
month profit, or paying $500 a month for advertising that
brought in $750 worth of profit a month, there would be no
hesitation. That savvy small business owner would gladly
shell out $1000 each month for the advertising.
The best answer is to use business advertising that only
charges the owner when and if it works. There are several
ways of doing this.
The primary method is called pay per click. This Internet
option is available with numerous online merchant sites as
well as hundreds of newspapers across the country and the
globe. Simply put, a business agrees to pay a specified
amount to the publisher, or the merchant site, for each ad
that entices a consumer to come to the small business site.
The price paid is an amount that the business owner has
bid on.
One of the best sites on the internet today is Google
Adwords. Google can have you receiving targeted visitors
to your site in as little 15-20 minutes of creating your
When a person types words into Google search, ads are
shown to the consumer on products or services that are
related to the words. This is the part you have to understand.
You have to get into the minds of your potential customer and
determine what words would be typed in for you product or
service. These would be your keywords, or keyword phrases.
Google is not an easy task for a beginner marketer to set up
and monitor. First off you need to go to Google and set-up
your free account.
To start you need a list of keywords to use, and I find that
Word Tracker is the best to use. Type a word into the search
bar and you will get a list of related words and phrases
that could be used and how many searches they have received
in the last month. Generally the more the keyword is used
the higher the cost to get in good position on their pages.
The next step is to create your ad. Google lets you do 2
different ads for the same group of keywords, this allows
you to see which of the two are better. You have to get your
point across with a small number of words. Build your ad
around some of the keywords generated from your search.
If you use keywords that are in your ad they will be in bold
on the Google search pages which creates more clicks to your
Determine which of the keywords in your list go together
with your ad and which phrases contain some of the same
words. Create a campaign giving it a title. Then create an
adgroup. You can have many ad groups in one campaign. Each
adgroup contain keywords phases using the same words. You
want to have as many as 15 keywords in an adgroup. You also
want to go though the key words and find any that do not
associate with your product or service. These are called
negative keywords. Place a minus sign before these words and
then they will not be added into the search.
Your daily budget is what you can afford to spend.
Set this quite low to start with, but if you set your budget
to low your ad will not be displayed for all searches on
that word or phrase.
You also have to select the amount to bid on each keyword.
Use the traffic estimator to help you find a good bid. You
also what to turn off content matching. This saves hundreds
of wasted impressions that can impact your click through
You need to monitor your Google account very closely at first
and make any changes that are needed.
Click into your account a few times in first few days. If
you have words inactive for search, you can raise your bid
or delete them. If you have ad's that are not performing
well, change some words. Keep doing this until you are happy
with the results.
Take a test run through the "sign up demo". Make sure to
Utilize Google's online FAQ. Remember to organize keywords
into groups basedon similarity. Calculate costs and set
reasonable daily pricing.
If you would like more information get a copy of Perry
Marshall's book Google Adwords. I Think it has the best
information on adwords in it. Now go take the demo and start
To get more qualified prospects for your home based business
visit: Growabiz123
Friday, September 15, 2006
Online Marketing Plan, Knowledge And Tools Are Essential
Why do we need a plan, the proper knowledge and tools for Online Marketing to become successful? Do you think that an Internet business is a way to make quick money and not a real business, with real business issues? Do you think you just sign in to a program and they will start sending you checks?
Being Successful in an Internet Business requires work. It is no different than if you bought a local business in your location. You cannot expect that after joining any business you do not have to do anything, except get your check. You need have a plan, gain the knowledge needed to implement that plan and to get the proper tools to enable you to do your business, to it’s fullest potential.
Could the Following examples Possibly Succeed?
How could a Taxi Driver make a living without a vehicle?
Could a Chef without pots and pans create mouth-watering dishes?
How would an Artist without paints and canvas, paint a masterpiece?
The answer to the above questions is They Could Not.! They would fail to make any money and would all end up broke.
Yet many ordinary people join affiliate marketing programs or an Mlm Business, and attempt to make money without the required online marketing plan, knowledge and tools. They do this for a variety of reasons. Some just don't understand they need them, others don't want to learn, and still others don't believe they can afford them.
Some people actually think they are going to get rich, overnight. They are shown or told income figures of a successful marketer and think that will be them just for joining, not having a clue about what it took to make that income stream. Not really knowing what to do next. They look to our upline for help only to find out that we cannot be like them, because you do not have the knowledge needed for success. These people end up with no money and quit business, thinking it was a scam. Or they may become program jumpers, who hop to the next latest and greatest 'Get Rich Quick' schemes, thinking this one will work. They never get a chance to establish their roots.
Think back to your first job, did you start out making $5,000 per week? Did someone else do all the work and you just sat back and collected a paycheck? Of course not, you started at the bottom and you worked your way up. Your company gave you the tools you needed to do your job, giving you the knowledge to do your job right.
The Internet is a little different because most programs you promote don't give you the plan or knowledge to market your business, or even tell you where you can find them, They are left to figure out how to promote their program, products or services. Then when and if you do recruit someone the same scenario takes place, the blind leading the blind.
But, online or offline, you have to start out at the bottom and build your business. There is no other way to do it--never has been--never will be. You need a plan, followed by gaining knowledge to implement the plan and the retiree tools to put your knowledge to work. You should have full control over all aspects of your business.
If you want to see a fast buck, throw a dollar out of the car window as you drive down the highway and you'll have made a fast buck. If you're looking to build your business correctly and responsibly, so you can start building an income today and have an income tomorrow and next year, and totally control your future check out my site. Click Here
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
What Niche Marketing
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Do you understand what your niche market is? Do you know
how to target your best prospects?
You often hear people talk about niche marketing, but are you
entirely sure what your niche market is. You have to determine
who is in the greatest NEED of your product or service.
Why would you have to know your niche Market? Well think
about it, you want to get your advertising out to the people that
would benefit and might be interested in your product or service.
If you are selling golf equipment you probably don’t want to
advertise to pet owners looking for dog training items. You
would want to focus your attention on someone who needs a
lighter club or wants the best balls for better accuracy.
What is the age range of your customer or business partners that
you are trying to attract? Is your target audience anyone or is it
geared to a specific age group, mom’s with kids, retired people,
or maybe the baby boomer generation.
You also need to know the demographics of your niche market.
This is determined by what countries or area of you countries that
you are able to do business in. Getting to know more about the
population and income levels of you market will help have you to
better placement of your advertising.
Once you have your niche market understood you can create
advertising that is focused on the your best target market. This
saves time and money and helps you get the best conversion
rate of your advertising budget.
Do you have more than one niche market. That is entirely possible.
Yes, even if its just for one product or service. Multi markets may
be able to benefit from what you offer. To get the most benefit
devote more time or money into your ideal target market and then
follow with the next niche market. Always start with the largest
group first.
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Saturday, September 09, 2006
Successful Online Marketing
When you operate a business online, you likely understand the importance of successful marketing online. Internet marketing success can lead to a great deal of money for you. Whether you have a home based business or a larger business, online marketing is a great idea to raise your level of success in an easy way.
One of the best ways you can choose to market online is through affiliate programs. This is the easiest thing to do, if you have very little time to devote to the issue of online marketing. You can join many affiliate programs for free, which makes the whole thing even more appealing to consider. You can often do a simple search for affiliate programs and come up with many different choices. Remember that some of the affiliate programs have strict rules regarding member conduct, so be sure to go over them before committing to join. Often times they will only allow a few ads on each page and such. This can be a problem if you belong to more than one.
The best thing to do is stick with one or two affiliate programs at a time. Give them a real chance to work well and thenre-evaluate what you want to do. If you are making money with the affiliate programs you choose, then you should leave your internet marketing plan alone. However, if you aren't making money, you might want to change itup a bit.Overall, successful marketing online takes time and dedication. You really will have to tweak and re-arrange in order to find out what works best for you and your online business.
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Faye's Home Business Ideas
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Direct Matches
Faye's Home Business Tips
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About Me

- Faye Brown
- My name is Faye Brown, and I live in a small farming community in Southern Alberta, Canada. I had numerous jobs in my early life but never found them very fulfilling. I scrimped and saved as much as I could while raising 2 sons with my husband. When the Convenience store in our town came up for sale, I bought it thinking this would be what I wanted. I have owned this for 13 years now. Yes it makes money, but not the kind of money that I always wanted, nor did it totally satisfy me. Never giving up on the desire within me to be the person I saw in my dreams, I started to look at the home-based business industry. I met with failure after failure, but gaining knowledge with each one, to put me closer to the path of success. I’ve always believed that everything in life happens for a reason, and when the timing was right in my life I would take that leap forward. I’m glad I had the vision to keep learning because each step has put me a little closer to my dreams. Now finding a program that creates success for everyone, as long as your willing to work, has put me well on the way to reaching My Dreams!!! From Dreams To Reality, Faye Brown